Wednesday, August 15, 2007


I am not defined by past life times

Characteristics of ancestors that graced this stage before me

Pleasantries and mysteries of misery do not describe me

Calamity has been a path for me but still in times of Pain

I stand a mist ashes that were meant to burn me

My legacy was not foretold to me

My journey was once bleak is now becoming crystal clear

Slowly but surely I am beginning to breath and believe in the

Rebirth of my spirituality

I died naturally so that I can live eternally

While keeping close contact with the inner me

Because the man inside me

Is greater the one the world see’s

I was conceived unexpectedly

Carried through a pregnancy of tragedy

Not by mother

This transformation was actually performed in my womb

I was an incubator

And my uterus the tomb

Used to consume all the shame

All of the pain

All of my dark days

And cold nights

That plagued me and the womb became a grave

I died to the old me

Submerged in water that signified my submission

To his authority and his deity

To show the world that I believed

In the Trinity

And salvation is free

The thing that I thought defined me no loner haunt me

I am not my hair

I am not this skin

I am not the world’s expectations of me

In the middle of Tears and desperation I cried out with boldness

ENOUGH is Enough I am sick and tired of being sick and tired of being tired of being sick

I am tired of compromising my worth because of the curse

That was passed down generations before me

I will not argue with the devil

He is defeated and I in need of an Advocate

that has been seated at the right hand of the father who

Heard my plea of misery

freed me,


it was his gift to me

all I had to do was


then receive

My birth right

I resist negativity

Embrace ingenuity

Rejoice in the influence of those

Who love and want what’s best for me

I will no longer cast my pearls before swine

And dine with perverts who perversely

Promote promiscuity, polluting my womb

With unworthy adversaries how dare you

Say to me I am just another tragedy

Black girl lost in streets of insanity

Mayhem and misfortune may have be felled me

But the truth is the root that is planted by the streams of waters

That broke and brought fourth life…

©™2007 VYBE

Monday, August 6, 2007

This child's Heart

I watch as you grow





To adolescent lessons, and comforts

Joys and pains

You want so much to be so big but I figure

As long as you lay your hand in my hand

And my hand in his hand

Then I will train you up in the way you go

And you will never depart

The master crafted you so eloquently

That I can hardly see





That you were created especially for me

The majestic strength and quiet confidence

You define your place

With a special face

Bright smiles

Show white teeth

Even now as you’re missing Three


How can I even fathom all the wanders you posses

You filled not only

My life

But the lives of those you come in contact with

So in these words I do conceive

that the miracles Of God lay in the dream's

Of this child’s heart…

©™2007 VyBe

Thursday, August 2, 2007

Tiny Hands.... for David

Eight Fingers
Two Thumbs
so small and significant
feeling your way through a world of complacence
Close open
close open
you grasp at knowledge
hold on to destiny
Live in the moment
but plan for eternity
Tiny hands to set one free
no chains on them only deity....

©™2007 VyBe

Mahogany King

Mahogany King
Statuesque of mahogany swaying to a rhythm were no drum is beating
Gliding smoothly with each step
Charisma kept with every syllable of mentally stimulating dialect
Ebony flesh molded together incasing exquisite strength masculine mountains cover every inch
The gentle brush of mocha lips hungered passions revealed in your kiss
As you cradle me slowly caressing me constantly stressing to me what a blessing to such a dynamic specimen of Gods creation
Nibbling on my ear lightly trailing wet and gentle kisses down my body,
Investing never violating the inner most sacred decrees of me
Filling my world with pleasure and ecstasy treating me like a jewel and not possessing me
Dedicating time and energy by being involved in my life
Not just physically, but mentally, emotionally and spiritually
My statuesque of mahogany swaying to a rhythm where no drum is beating
The energy transferred into me is never degrading but always elevating me to the place
Were time and space stop and my third eyes is opened to reveal the emotions to be put into word its like I am the noun and you are my verb,
your commitment is the adjective and our love is the prefix and the sex is the suffix trust and honesty is the hyphenation that bind us together
you are my protector, interjecting reassuring thoughts that keep me seeking to be all that I can be
Interceding where I am needing guidance and leading
Not over stepping the boundaries fulfilling our designated and preordained destinies in order to make our river flow smoothly
My statuesque of mahogany swaying to a rhythm were no drum is beating
Nor music playing creating, motivating, inspiring fire in me but still being your own man
Taking my hand to walk beside thee on this journey if only for a season your physical presence is all the more reason for me to continue pleasing you in the ways that you seek,
Not with hot bubble baths or steamy rolls in the sheets
But intertwining our paths to run parallel through the universe
As your striving to achieve your dreams with pride and dignity and that s only after I message you mentally giving back to you all the positive you give to me
Being your partner, your wife, your friend, and your queen
Not throwing monkey wrenches into your plan or hindering you from being a man
Because if you fall down I have to stand for the two of us
Not that I mind but if you are my head and I am your help mate me hurting you is only making life hard for me so standing for us two is the least I can do
To hold true to my calling protecting my blessing focusing on serious issues and not stressing over trivial nonsense
The love and respect you give to me I give to back to thee
To inspire the fire in you to be all you can be
Because your more then a man you're my mahogany king
©™2006 VyBe

I write

I write…
That is what I do I write until my fingers are numb
And ink on paper no longer looks like words and letters
But metaphors and rhythm
Like blues dancing
Jazz balancing on the fine line
Of sublime and insanity
I write until the outside world no longer is near me
I escape into oblivion where me and my pen become friends
No Siamese twins joined at the tip of paper
No sound, just nouns and pronouns adjectives of revolution
Verbs of restitution and retribution are translucent images
Winding through lines and confines of strokes

I write and I write
By sunlight and moon light
dance in the delight of my mind and press rewind
and return to a time when my innocent was heaven sent and
The sign on the door says do not disturb the nerd at work
I write
It's my choice
It's my voice
It's my dope to cope with the scope of no hope
It provokes, words spoke of understanding
I invoke spirits of ancestry and chemistry
Mixes gases and solids
Compounds and profound usage
of a language that speaks more then just words
More then nouns and verbs
The nerd at work observes the right
To refuse and reuse what ever she chooses too
And you can then become a participant in the mass
Creation artificial insemination of a nation
Birthed through labor pains and writers block
that burst forth in jisms of spoken word
and you thought you heard
great tunes from Coltrane, Monk & Davis
while popping fingers to the latest
dance craze,
While I am hazing, trailblazing a land with
no destruction in my path
just encouraging metaphors on scores
of blank sheets….
I Write to see me
Be me
Live free
Erase hate innately
Not give to the reprobate
but procreate in Lyrics…
©™2006 VyBe